Entry #1:

Attempted murder. Peace bond. Those two things do not equate, but alas here we are thanks to the abysmal failing of the Canadian “justice” system. It’s been a harrowing 2.5 years. 

Welcome to my journal, thank you for stopping by. I have a feeling this next while will be quite the ride, so I am glad you’re joining me. 

I’ll keep it short and sweet for the first post,  about the “man” who tried to kill me today, just so we’re on the same page.

My statement is a public record, so I thought I’d share the written version of what I delivered to the Judge, 25+ family and friends, Crown Attorneys, my stellar lawyer and of course the individual who brought us all here with his abuses- Michael Volavka. My goal is to amend the laws and work together to create a safer world. 

Read my statement here.